
ATTENTION: This manual contains answers to all questions that you may have during the use of FOLME. If you have no questions, there is no point in wasting time studying the entire instruction. If you have any questions, use the quick navigation to navigate to the section you are interested in. For the basic setup, we recommend studying the "Quick Start" section: Choose the item you need, here is a huge menu.

What is Folme?

Folme is an Android mobile app for growing your Instagram account organically. It will help you boost your follower count and increase your brand awareness on Instagram by automatically following your competitors’ target audience and interacting with them.

How Folme works?

First, you will need to find your competitors and add their accounts to Folme.

Once you’ve done that, Folme will start automatically engaging with your competitors’ followers: it will be following and unfollowing them, liking their posts, viewing their stories and reacting to them, and sending direct messages to new followers (people who followed you back).

After a brief warm up period, Folme is going to follow and interact with up to 300 real Instagram users every day. Typically, about 100 people check out your profile, and about 50 people get interested in your products or services and follow you back. Then, Folme will automatically direct message all these people and send them your offer. If it’s compelling and irresistible, the client is yours!

You will be able to see all the statistics in the Folme interface, like how many people you followed, how many of them followed you back, how many posts you liked, how many direct messages you sent, etc.

What results can you expect from Folme?

As each account is different, the results will vary. But basically, Folme is going to find up to 1,000 potential clients every day. Then, Folme will interact with up to 300 most active accounts daily (it’s going to follow them, like their posts, and view their stories and also react to them). Approximately, about 100 people will visit your profile, and about 50 accounts will follow you back every day. After that, Folme is going to automatically send a direct message with your offer to new followers. Finally, you are going to make about 3 sales per day.

Why your results may differ?

There are 2 key things you need to focus on to get the best results using Folme:

  • It’s crucial to pick high-quality competitors with the most active and engaged users (without spam, bots, and fake followers). We highly recommend calculating the engagement rate (ER) for your competitor’s several posts: divide the total number of likes and comments by their follower count. Then, multiply that number by 100 to get a percentage. An engagement rate of 1-2% is considered good.
  • The second core thing is to build a successful Instagram account. It includes crafting a compelling Instagram bio and adding highlights, keeping your Instagram feed fresh and posting engaging types of content (like interesting posts, reels, stories, etc.). The more attractive your Instagram account is, the better chance that people will follow you.

If your results are not the same as you expected, then you should zero in on picking the right competitors with active audience and building a strong Instagram account.